7 Ways to Improve Your Funnel Order Page

JODY JELAS | April 29, 2024
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Optimizing your order page is crucial for maximizing sales and ensuring that your funnel is converting as effectively as possible. A well-designed order page can significantly increase your conversion rates, turning more visitors into paying customers. In this blog post, we’ll explore seven proven strategies to enhance your order page and drive more sales.

1. Include Testimonials

Testimonials are powerful tools for building trust and credibility. When potential customers are on your order page, they are often looking for reassurance that they are making the right decision. Including a couple of short, impactful testimonials can provide that reassurance.

Why Testimonials Work

Testimonials offer social proof, showing that others have successfully used and benefited from your product or service. This can alleviate doubts and increase confidence in the purchase decision.

Example: If you have testimonials from well-known figures or highly satisfied customers, feature them prominently on your order page. Even short snippets can be incredibly effective.

How to Use Testimonials

  • Keep It Short: Choose brief, powerful testimonials that can be quickly read and absorbed.
  • Highlight Notable Names: If you have endorsements from recognized individuals, make sure to feature these prominently.
  • Use Real Photos: Adding photos of the people giving testimonials can make them more believable and relatable.

2. Add Security Symbols

With increasing concerns about online security, many customers are hesitant to enter their credit card information on unfamiliar websites. Adding security symbols near your buy button can help ease these concerns.

The Role of Security Symbols

Security symbols indicate that your website is secure and that their payment information will be protected. This can be particularly important for first-time customers who are unfamiliar with your brand.

Example: Common security symbols include SSL certificates, trusted payment icons (like Visa, MasterCard, PayPal), and badges from security companies like Norton or McAfee.

How to Implement Security Symbols

  • Place Near the Buy Button: Ensure that security symbols are placed close to the buy button where they can be easily seen.
  • Use Recognizable Icons: Choose well-known and widely recognized security badges to maximize their impact.


3. Provide Visuals of the Offer

Visual representation of your product or service can make it feel more tangible and real to potential buyers. This can help bridge the gap between digital and physical products, making it easier for customers to understand what they are purchasing.

Why Visuals Are Important

Visuals help customers visualize what they are buying, which can increase their perceived value of the product. This is especially true for digital products, which can sometimes seem abstract.

Example: If you’re offering an online course, include images of the course interface, downloadable PDFs, video thumbnails, and any other materials that come with the course.

How to Use Visuals

  • Create a Mockup: Design a mockup of your product that includes all components of the offer.
  • Use High-Quality Images: Ensure that all visuals are high-resolution and professionally designed.
  • Showcase Key Features: Highlight the most important aspects of the product visually.


4. Include a Video

A short video can significantly enhance your order page by providing a personal touch and additional information about the product. Videos can engage visitors and provide a more comprehensive understanding of what they are purchasing.

The Impact of Videos

Videos can convey emotion, build a connection with the viewer, and explain complex concepts more effectively than text alone. They can also serve as a final push to convince hesitant buyers.

Example: Include a video of yourself explaining the benefits of the product, detailing what customers will receive, and sharing any relevant testimonials.

How to Use Videos

  • Keep It Short: Aim for a video that is 1-2 minutes long. Keep it concise and focused on the key benefits.
  • Be Personable: Show your face and speak directly to the camera to create a personal connection.
  • Include Testimonials: If possible, incorporate short video testimonials from satisfied customers.


5. List What They’re Getting

Providing a clear, concise list of what the customer will receive can help reinforce the value of the offer. Bullet points can be particularly effective for summarizing the key components and benefits of the product.

The Power of Bullet Points

Bullet points make information easy to scan and digest. They can quickly communicate the value of the offer and ensure that nothing important is overlooked.

Example: If you’re selling a software subscription, list features like “24/7 customer support,” “access to premium features,” and “regular updates.”

How to Use Bullet Points

  • Be Specific: Clearly outline what the customer will receive, avoiding vague or ambiguous language.
  • Highlight Key Benefits: Focus on the most important and attractive aspects of the offer.
  • Keep It Simple: Avoid overloading the list with too many items. Focus on the top 5-7 points.


6. Use a Countdown Timer

Adding a countdown timer to your order page can create a sense of urgency and encourage visitors to take immediate action. This can be particularly effective for limited-time offers or promotions.

Why Countdown Timers Work

Countdown timers tap into the psychological principle of scarcity. When people perceive that an opportunity is limited, they are more likely to act quickly to avoid missing out.

Example: Use a countdown timer to highlight a special discount that expires in a few hours or days.

How to Implement Countdown Timers

  • Make It Visible: Place the timer near the top of the page where it can’t be missed.
  • Tie It to a Specific Offer: Ensure that the timer is linked to a genuine limited-time offer.
  • Be Honest: Avoid using fake urgency. Only use countdown timers for actual time-sensitive offers.


7. Test Your Order Page

Finally, always test your order page to ensure everything is functioning correctly. Testing can help identify any issues that might be preventing conversions and ensure a smooth buying process for your customers.

The Importance of Testing

Regular testing can help you catch errors, optimize performance, and ensure that your page is user-friendly. It can also provide valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t.

Example: Test different elements of your page, such as headlines, images, and call-to-action buttons, to see what drives the highest conversion rates.

How to Test Your Order Page

  • Conduct A/B Testing: Create two versions of your order page and test them against each other to see which performs better.
  • Check for Errors: Ensure that all links, buttons, and forms are working correctly.
  • Optimize for Speed: Make sure your page loads quickly to avoid losing impatient visitors.
  • Test on Multiple Devices: Ensure that your page looks and functions well on both desktop and mobile devices.


Maximizing Conversions on Your Order Page

Improving your order page can have a significant impact on your overall conversion rates and sales. By incorporating testimonials, adding security symbols, providing visuals of the offer, including a video, listing what the customer will receive, using a countdown timer, and regularly testing your page, you can create a compelling and effective order page.

Remember, the goal is to make the buying process as smooth and reassuring as possible for your customers. When visitors feel confident and informed, they are more likely to complete their purchase.

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Jody Jelas

Jody Jelas, the CEO of Phunnel Builders, has been in the online strategy industry for 25+ years, helping clients make millions online. She’s a best-selling author of LadyBalls and has travelled the world speaking on stage about business strategy and creative marketing ideas online. She has built a team of funnel experts who understand high-converting strategies and are waiting to take your funnel project and fast-track it to success.
jody jelas

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