How To Get More Video Content Created Faster

JODY JELAS | October 4, 2022
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Creating video content can be a powerful tool for engaging with your audience, building your brand, and driving conversions. However, the process of scripting, filming, and editing videos can be time-consuming and inefficient if not approached strategically. In this post, I’ll share insights on how to streamline your video content creation by understanding and leveraging your different working modes. This approach will help you produce high-quality videos more efficiently, allowing you to focus on what you do best.

The Importance of Understanding Your Working Modes

All of us have different modes that we work best in. For me, I’m creative and I struggle with detail-oriented tasks. If I have to switch from a detailed task to a creative one, it disrupts my flow and productivity. Similarly, if I’m in creative mode and then need to switch to a detailed task, it won’t work seamlessly. Therefore, one way to be extremely time-efficient when filming your video blogs or any type of video is to not mix your modes.

The Different Modes in Video Content Creation

Scripting Mode: The Creative Phase

When you’re in scripting mode and writing the content you want to include in your blog videos, you’re in a creative phase. This is when you brainstorm content ideas, structure your script, and craft your message. It’s a time to let your creativity flow without being bogged down by technical details or setup concerns.

Action Tip: Dedicate a day solely to creating and refining your scripts. This focused time will allow you to fully immerse yourself in the creative process and produce more compelling content.

Example: I usually take a full day to write and refine my scripts. I find that sleeping on my ideas helps solidify them in my subconscious, making the delivery smoother when I film the next day.

Filming Mode: The Performance Phase

Once your script is ready, the next mode is filming. This is a performance phase where you deliver the content you’ve scripted. Filming requires energy, focus, and presence. Trying to manage technical details while filming can dilute your performance and reduce the quality of your delivery.

Action Tip: Separate your filming day from your scripting day. Focus solely on delivering your content naturally on camera without worrying about technical setup.

Example: I never script and film on the same day. By giving myself time to sleep on the script, I find my delivery more natural and confident.

Setup Mode: The Technical Phase

Setting up your filming gear—lighting, sound, and camera—is a detailed, technical task. It requires a different mindset than scripting or filming. Mixing this mode with others can be overwhelming and counterproductive.

Action Tip: If possible, delegate the setup to someone else. This allows you to concentrate on delivering your content without distraction.

Example: When I film, I have a team of four people handling the setup. They manage the technical aspects, keeping the energy in the room positive and allowing me to focus entirely on my delivery.

Benefits of Not Mixing Modes

By dedicating specific days to each mode—scripting, filming, and setup—you can enhance the quality of your video content and streamline your production process. This approach not only makes the process more efficient but also ensures that each phase receives the attention it needs.

Tools and Strategies to Enhance Efficiency

Automate and Delegate

After 20 years in coaching and online strategy, I’ve found that using the right tools can significantly enhance efficiency. Kartra, for instance, is the best program I’ve used in my career. After six years with ClickFunnels and InfusionSoft, I made the switch and haven’t looked back. Kartra’s all-in-one platform allows for seamless integration of various tasks, from email marketing to sales funnel creation.

Action Tip: Utilize tools that streamline your workflow and consider delegating tasks that fall outside your core strengths. This will free up your time to focus on content creation and delivery.

Example: In my program, The Video Code, we provide numerous tips and an entire strategy for building your audience online and converting them into buyers. By leveraging automation and delegation, you can achieve more with less effort.

Real-World Application: The Video Code Program

In my program, The Video Code, we delve deep into strategies for creating efficient and effective video content. The program includes tips like the ones shared here, along with a comprehensive strategy to build your online audience and convert them into loyal customers.

Example: We offer free training on how to profit from video blogging, covering everything from content creation to audience engagement. You can find this training here.

Embrace Your Modes for Greater Efficiency

Understanding and embracing your different working modes can transform your video content creation process. By separating scripting, filming, and setup tasks, you can enhance your productivity, reduce stress, and produce higher-quality videos. This approach allows you to focus on your strengths, deliver compelling content, and connect more effectively with your audience.

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Jody Jelas

Jody Jelas, the CEO of Phunnel Builders, has been in the online strategy industry for 25+ years, helping clients make millions online. She’s a best-selling author of LadyBalls and has travelled the world speaking on stage about business strategy and creative marketing ideas online. She has built a team of funnel experts who understand high-converting strategies and are waiting to take your funnel project and fast-track it to success.
jody jelas

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