How to Truly Understand Your Audience to Sell More Programs

JODY JELAS | January 4, 2021
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Understand Your Audience to Sell More Program

Creating a successful online program requires a deep understanding of your audience. Knowing their needs, desires, and pain points allows you to craft a message that resonates and provides real value. Jody Jelas introduces three essential questions that can help you get clear on your message and deliver an impactful program. Let’s explore these questions and how you can use them to better understand and serve your audience.

1. Pillow Talk: What Keeps Understand Your Audience Up at Night?

The first question to consider is what your ideal audience is thinking about when they lie in bed at night. This moment of vulnerability and honesty reveals their deepest desires and concerns. Understanding this can give you valuable insights into how to tailor your program to meet their needs.

Identifying the Core Issues

When your audience is alone with their thoughts, they often ask themselves, “I wish I could…” followed by their greatest desire or frustration. Identifying these core issues helps you understand what they truly want to achieve or overcome.

Example: If you’re creating a fitness program, your audience might be thinking, “I wish I could lose weight and feel confident in my body.” Understanding this desire allows you to create content that addresses their specific goal.

Using Their Language

Pay attention to the exact words and phrases your audience uses to describe their situation. This language should be reflected in your marketing and program content to create a connection and show that you understand their struggles.

Example: Instead of using technical jargon, use relatable language like, “Feel comfortable in your own skin” or “Achieve your dream body.”

2. The Best Mate Over Wine Strategy: How Would You Talk to a Friend?

The second question involves imagining a conversation with your best friend over a few glasses of wine. This scenario helps you adopt a relaxed, genuine tone that is both approachable and authentic.

Casual and Honest Communication

When talking to a friend, you’re likely to be candid and straightforward. This tone can make understand your audience feel more comfortable and trust you more. It’s about being real and relatable.

Example: If you’re offering a business coaching program, you might say, “Look, I get it. Starting a business is tough, but here’s how you can make it easier.”

Relatable Stories and Analogies

Use stories and analogies that your audience can relate to. These make your content more engaging and memorable.

Example: “Think of your business like a garden. You need to plant the right seeds, nurture them, and be patient for the growth.”

3. The Third-Party Endorsement: What Would Others Say About You?

The third question involves considering what others say about you and your program. This perspective can help you identify your strengths and unique selling points that you might overlook.

Gathering Testimonials and Feedback

Ask past clients or participants for testimonials and feedback. Their words can provide powerful social proof and highlight the benefits of your program from an outsider’s perspective.

Example: “Thanks to this program, I finally feel confident in my ability to manage my finances.”

Highlighting Unique Strengths

Identify the unique aspects of your program that others frequently praise. Use these points to differentiate your offer from competitors.

Example: If clients often mention your personalized approach, emphasize this in your marketing: “Our program offers personalized coaching tailored to your specific needs.”

Integrating the Insights: Crafting Your Message

Once you’ve gathered insights from these three questions, integrate them into your program development and marketing strategy. Here’s how:

Creating Targeted Content

Use the insights to create content that directly addresses your audience’s needs and desires. Whether it’s through blog posts, videos, or social media updates, ensure your content speaks to their pain points and goals.

Example: “Are you struggling to lose weight despite trying every diet out there? Our program is designed to help you shed pounds and keep them off for good.”

Personalized Marketing Messages

Craft marketing messages that reflect the language and emotions of your audience. Show them that you understand their struggles and have a solution.

Example: “Imagine feeling confident and healthy. Our program can help you achieve that dream with simple, effective strategies.”

Building Trust and Credibility

Use testimonials and endorsements to build trust and credibility. Share success stories and highlight the unique benefits of your program.

Example: “Don’t just take our word for it. Hear what our satisfied clients have to say about their transformations.”


Connecting with Your Audience on a Deeper Level

Understand your audience is the foundation of creating a powerful and successful online program. By asking these three key questions—what keeps them up at night, how you would talk to them as a friend, and what others say about you—you can gain valuable insights into their needs and preferences. Use these insights to craft a message that resonates, builds trust, and provides real value.

When you connect with your audience on a deeper level, you can create programs that not only meet their needs but also inspire and motivate them to achieve their goals. Embrace these questions, and let them guide you in developing an online program that truly makes a difference.

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Jody Jelas

Jody Jelas, the CEO of Phunnel Builders, has been in the online strategy industry for 25+ years, helping clients make millions online. She’s a best-selling author of LadyBalls and has travelled the world speaking on stage about business strategy and creative marketing ideas online. She has built a team of funnel experts who understand high-converting strategies and are waiting to take your funnel project and fast-track it to success.
jody jelas

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