7 Key Questions When Planning Your Online Program

JODY JELAS | May 28, 2020
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7 Key Questions When Planning Your Online Program

Launching or when planning your online program can be an incredibly rewarding endeavor, especially in today’s climate where digital learning and remote engagements are at an all-time high. Jody Jelas provides a wealth of knowledge on this subject, emphasizing that despite global challenges, now is an opportune time to step up and offer valuable online programs. Here, we delve into the seven key questions you should ask before launching your online program to ensure success and maximize your impact.

1. What Problem Are You Solving?

Every successful online program addresses a specific problem or need. Start by identifying the gap in the market that your program will fill. Is there a lack of accessible education in a particular field? Are people seeking mental health support, professional development, or personal growth? Understanding the problem you aim to solve will help you design a program that provides real value and attracts your target audience.

Example: If you’re a fitness coach, you might notice that many people struggle with maintaining a workout routine at home. Your program could offer structured home workouts, nutritional advice, and motivational support to help them stay on track.

2. Who Is Your Target Audience?

Knowing your audience is crucial for creating content that resonates. Define your ideal participant: their demographics, interests, challenges, and goals. The more specific you can be, the better you can tailor your program to meet their needs.

Example: If your program is about financial literacy, your target audience might be young professionals looking to manage their finances better. Understanding their needs will help you create relevant modules, such as budgeting, investing, and debt management.

3. What Makes Your Program Unique?

In a crowded market, differentiation is key. Identify what sets your program apart from others. Is it your unique teaching style, the depth of content, or the additional support you provide? Highlighting these unique aspects will help attract participants who are looking for something specific that only you offer.

Example: Your online coaching program might stand out because you offer personalized feedback and one-on-one coaching sessions, which many other programs don’t provide.

4. How Will You Deliver Your Content?

The delivery method can significantly impact the effectiveness of your program. Will you use live webinars, pre-recorded videos, downloadable resources, or a combination of these? Consider the preferences of your target audience and choose a delivery method that enhances their learning experience.

Example: If your audience prefers flexible learning, offering a mix of live Q&A sessions and pre-recorded content that they can access anytime might be ideal.

5. What Tools and Platforms Will You Use?

Selecting the right tools and platforms is essential for smooth operation. Platforms like Kartra provide all-in-one solutions that simplify the process of creating and managing online programs. Look for tools that offer features like content hosting, email marketing, payment processing, and community engagement.

Example: Kartra allows you to build sales funnels, host videos, manage memberships, and communicate with participants all in one place, reducing the complexity of managing multiple tools.

6. How Will You Market Your Program?

A great program won’t succeed if no one knows about it. Develop a marketing strategy to promote your program to your target audience. Utilize social media, email marketing, partnerships, and online advertising to reach potential participants. Highlight the benefits of your program and use testimonials or case studies to build credibility.

Example: Create engaging content on social media platforms, share success stories from past participants, and run targeted ads to attract new members.

7. How Will You Measure Success?

Define what success looks like for your program and how you will measure it. Are you aiming for a certain number of enrollments, completion rates, or participant satisfaction scores? Setting clear metrics will help you evaluate the effectiveness of your program and make necessary adjustments for improvement.

Example: Track enrollment numbers, engagement levels, and feedback from participants to assess how well your program is meeting their needs and expectations.


Embrace the Opportunity

Launching an online program during challenging times can be both a strategic business move and a way to make a positive impact. By asking these seven key questions, you can ensure that your program is well-designed, effectively marketed, and delivers real value to your participants. As Jody Jelas highlights, despite the difficulties many are facing, now is a time of great opportunity for those willing to step up and provide solutions.

Remember, every successful online program starts with a clear understanding of the problem you’re solving and a deep connection with your audience. Use the right tools, deliver valuable content, and continuously measure your success to refine and improve your offering. With the right approach, you can create an online program that not only thrives in today’s market but also helps others navigate their challenges and achieve their goals.

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Jody Jelas

Jody Jelas, the CEO of Phunnel Builders, has been in the online strategy industry for 25+ years, helping clients make millions online. She’s a best-selling author of LadyBalls and has travelled the world speaking on stage about business strategy and creative marketing ideas online. She has built a team of funnel experts who understand high-converting strategies and are waiting to take your funnel project and fast-track it to success.
jody jelas

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