3 Tactics for High Converting Titles

JODY JELAS | January 25, 2021
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Creating high converting titles is crucial for capturing attention and driving engagement with your content. Whether you’re producing videos, writing blog posts, or launching marketing campaigns, the title is often the first thing your audience sees. An engaging, curiosity-stirring title can make the difference between someone clicking through or scrolling past. In this blog post, we’ll explore three powerful tactics to help you craft high converting titles that grab attention and compel your audience to take action.

1. Stir Curiosity

One of the most effective ways to create a high-converting title is to stir curiosity. If your title gives away too much information, your audience has no reason to engage with the content. Instead, your goal should be to pique their interest, making them eager to learn more.

Why Curiosity Works

Curiosity is a powerful motivator. When people encounter something that intrigues them, they feel compelled to satisfy their curiosity. This psychological trigger can be harnessed to increase engagement with your content.

Example: Compare the following titles:

  • “How to Drink Lemon Juice to Clear Your Acne” – This title gives away the solution, leaving little reason to click.
  • “The Number One Secret to Clear Your Acne Naturally” – This title stirs curiosity, encouraging the reader to click and discover the secret.

How to Stir Curiosity in Your High Converting Titles

  • Ask a Question: Pose a question that your audience wants answered. For example, “What’s the Secret to Effortlessly Clear Skin?”
  • Use Numbers: Numbers can make your title more intriguing and specific. For example, “7 Surprising Benefits of Drinking Lemon Juice You Didn’t Know About.”
  • Create Mystery: Use words that imply there’s more to discover. For example, “The Hidden Trick to Flawless Skin Revealed.”


2. Use the “Without” Technique

Another effective tactic is to highlight what your audience can achieve without doing something undesirable. This approach addresses common pain points and provides a solution that seems easier and more appealing.

Why the “Without” Technique Works

People are often looking for the easiest way to achieve their goals. By showing them that they can get the desired result without enduring something unpleasant, you make the solution more attractive.

Example: Compare the following titles:

  • “How to Clear Your Acne” – This title is straightforward but lacks an enticing element.
  • “Clear Your Acne Without Harsh Chemicals” – This title promises a desirable result without the negative aspect, making it more appealing.

How to Use the “Without” Technique

  • Identify the Pain Point: Determine what your audience wants to avoid. For example, harsh chemicals, expensive treatments, or complicated routines.
  • Highlight the Benefit: Emphasize the positive outcome they can achieve without the pain point. For example, “Lose Weight Without Starving Yourself.”
  • Be Specific: Provide a clear and specific benefit to make the title more compelling. For example, “Boost Your Energy Without Caffeine.”


3. Test Pain vs. Pleasure

Understanding whether your audience is more motivated by avoiding pain or seeking pleasure can help you craft titles that resonate more deeply. Some audiences respond better to titles that address their pain points, while others are more motivated by positive outcomes.

Why Testing Works

Testing allows you to understand your audience’s preferences and tailor your titles to maximize engagement. By experimenting with different approaches, you can determine what resonates best and use that insight to optimize future content.

Example: Compare the following titles:

  • Pain-Focused: “Eliminate Stubborn Acne That Ruins Your Confidence”
  • Pleasure-Focused: “Achieve Radiant, Clear Skin That Boosts Your Confidence”

How to Test Pain vs. Pleasure

  • Create Two Versions: Develop two versions of your title – one focused on pain and the other on pleasure.
  • Analyze Engagement: Track the performance of each title to see which one generates more clicks, views, or conversions.
  • Optimize Based on Results: Use the insights from your tests to inform your title strategy going forward. If pain-focused titles perform better, emphasize pain points in your titles, and vice versa.

Combining All Three Tactics

To create truly high-converting titles, consider combining all three tactics. For example, you can stir curiosity, use the “without” technique, and test pain vs. pleasure in a single title.

Example: “Discover the Secret to Clear Skin Without Harsh Chemicals – Achieve Radiant Results in Just 7 Days”

This title:

  • Stirs Curiosity: The word “secret” makes the reader want to learn more.
  • Uses the “Without” Technique: It promises clear skin without the use of harsh chemicals.
  • Balances Pain and Pleasure: It addresses the pain point (harsh chemicals) and the positive outcome (radiant results).

Additional Tips for Crafting High Converting Titles

Keep It Short and Sweet

While it’s important to be descriptive, overly long titles can be overwhelming. Aim for brevity while still conveying the key message.

Example: “Clear Your Skin Naturally – No Harsh Chemicals Needed” is concise yet informative.

Use Power Words

Power words are emotionally charged words that can enhance the impact of your titles. Words like “secret,” “proven,” “ultimate,” and “exclusive” can make your titles more compelling.

Example: “The Ultimate Guide to Clear Skin – Proven Methods Revealed”

Incorporate Keywords

For SEO purposes, include relevant keywords in your titles. This helps improve visibility in search engine results and attracts the right audience.

Example: If your content is about natural acne remedies, a title like “Natural Remedies for Acne – Clear Your Skin Fast” includes key search terms.

Create a Sense of Urgency

Titles that imply urgency can encourage immediate action. Phrases like “right now,” “limited time,” and “today” can prompt quicker responses.

Example: “Clear Your Acne Right Now with This Simple Trick”

Crafting Titles That Convert

Creating high converting titles is an art that requires a deep understanding of your audience and a strategic approach. By stirring curiosity, using the “without” technique, and testing pain vs. pleasure, you can craft titles that grab attention and drive engagement.

Remember to keep your titles concise, use power words, incorporate relevant keywords, and create a sense of urgency when appropriate. By combining these strategies, you can optimize your titles for maximum impact and achieve higher conversion rates.

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Jody Jelas

Jody Jelas, the CEO of Phunnel Builders, has been in the online strategy industry for 25+ years, helping clients make millions online. She’s a best-selling author of LadyBalls and has travelled the world speaking on stage about business strategy and creative marketing ideas online. She has built a team of funnel experts who understand high-converting strategies and are waiting to take your funnel project and fast-track it to success.
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