How to Create a Real Book with AI in 24 Hours

JODY JELAS | September 2, 2023
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Welcome to episode two of the Phunnel Podcast with Jody Jelas. Today, we’re diving into a fascinating topic on how to create a real book with AI in just 24 hours. This might seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and strategies, it’s entirely possible. Before we delve into the steps, let’s explore why creating a book can be a powerful marketing tool and how it enhances your funnel strategy.

Why Create a Book?

Books are a tangible asset that can significantly boost your credibility and help build relationships with your audience. When you offer a book through your funnel, it not only provides valuable content but also creates a psychological connection with your audience. The act of holding a physical book builds trust and makes your audience more likely to engage with your other offerings.

Example: Imagine telling a potential client that you’ll send them a book, and all they have to do is pay for shipping. When the book arrives at their door, along with a well-crafted email sequence, they already feel a stronger connection to you and your brand.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Create a Real Book with AI

Now, let’s walk through the steps to create a real book with AI, from start to finish. This process is not only efficient but also ensures that you produce high-quality content that resonates with your audience.

Step 1: Choose Your Topic and Title

The first step is to select a topic that aligns with your business and resonates with your audience. This involves some research to understand what your audience needs and what problems you can solve for them.

Action Tip: Use tools like Google Analytics, Google Keyword Research, or other keyword research tools to identify popular topics and trigger words in your industry. These insights will help you choose a compelling topic and title for your book.

Example: For my dad’s book, I researched keywords related to personal growth and coaching, which are relevant to his work as a Proctor Gallagher coach.

Step 2: Generate Book Titles with AI

Once you have your topic, use AI to generate potential book titles. Tools like ChatGPT can help you brainstorm and refine titles based on your keywords.

Action Tip: Prompt ChatGPT to give you 10 book titles and subtitles related to your topic. Review the suggestions, select your favorites, and ask for variations if needed. This process will help you land on a title that stands out and attracts your target audience.

Example: For my dad’s book, we combined elements from different AI-generated titles to create a compelling and relevant title that resonated with his audience.

Step 3: Repurpose Existing Content

Creating a book doesn’t always mean starting from scratch. Repurposing existing content can save time and ensure quality. This could include video transcripts, email sequences, blog posts, or any other content you’ve already created.

Action Tip: Gather all relevant content and organize it. For video content, use transcription services like to convert your videos into text. For email sequences, extract the most valuable messages.

Example: My dad had over 500 pre-written emails, which we used to create his book. We selected the best 300 emails, removed any call-to-action links, and organized them into daily inspirational messages.

Step 4: Edit and Polish Your Content

Quality is key when creating a book. Use tools like Grammarly to check for grammar and plagiarism, ensuring your content is polished and original. This step is crucial to maintain credibility and avoid any issues with publishing platforms like Amazon.

Action Tip: Have someone else review your content for a fresh perspective. An editor can help refine your content, making sure it flows well and is error-free.

Example: We ran my dad’s emails through Grammarly and made minor tweaks to ensure they were ready for publication. This included removing call-to-actions and adjusting the text to fit the book format.

Step 5: Design Your Book Cover

A captivating cover is essential for attracting readers. Use tools like Canva or MidJourney to create a unique and professional-looking cover. Make sure your design follows the guidelines provided by your chosen publishing platform.

Action Tip: Use AI tools like MidJourney to create unique graphics. Combine these with your design skills in Canva or Photoshop to produce a cover that stands out.

Example: I used MidJourney to create a brain graphic representing the subconscious and conscious mind. I then refined the design in Photoshop to ensure it met Amazon’s specifications.

Step 6: Layout and Formatting

Proper formatting is crucial for both print and digital versions of your book. Use templates and guidelines provided by publishing platforms like Amazon to ensure your book looks professional.

Action Tip: If you’re short on time, consider hiring a professional on platforms like Fiverr to format your book. This ensures a polished final product and saves you the hassle of learning complex formatting rules.

Example: I hired someone on Fiverr to format my dad’s book, ensuring it was ready for print. This cost about $400 due to the tight deadline but was worth the investment for a high-quality result.

Step 7: Self-Publish Your Book

Once your book is formatted and ready, it’s time to publish. Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) make it easy to self-publish your book and reach a global audience. They also provide ISBN numbers and handle distribution.

Action Tip: Follow Amazon’s guidelines for uploading and publishing your book. Make sure to set up your book’s metadata correctly to enhance discoverability.

Example: We published my dad’s book on Amazon, which provided the ISBN number and handled the printing and distribution. The process was quick, and the quality matched that of a local printer.

The Importance of a Strong Funnel Strategy

A book is more than just a standalone product; it’s an integral part of your marketing funnel. It serves as a glorified business card that people don’t throw away. To maximize its impact, integrate your book into a well-crafted funnel.

Action Tip: Include call-to-actions in your book that lead readers to additional resources, quizzes, or consultations. This helps build your email list and deepens the relationship with your audience.

Example: My dad’s book includes multiple call-to-actions that direct readers to his website for additional resources and quizzes. This not only enhances engagement but also funnels readers into his coaching programs.

The Power of AI in Book Creation

Understanding on how to create a real book with AI is not only feasible but also highly efficient. By following these steps, you can produce a high-quality book that enhances your credibility, builds relationships, and integrates seamlessly into your marketing funnel.

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Jody Jelas

Jody Jelas, the CEO of Phunnel Builders, has been in the online strategy industry for 25+ years, helping clients make millions online. She’s a best-selling author of LadyBalls and has travelled the world speaking on stage about business strategy and creative marketing ideas online. She has built a team of funnel experts who understand high-converting strategies and are waiting to take your funnel project and fast-track it to success.
jody jelas

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