5 Ways to Increase Sales with Videos

JODY JELAS | September 5, 2022
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Video content has become an indispensable tool for businesses looking to increase sales and engage with their audience. Recently, Russell Brunson, the creator of ClickFunnels, posed an intriguing question to his Two Comma Club members—individuals who have made at least $1,000,000 from a funnel: “If you lost everything, what would you do for 30 days to try and get back to where you were?” For many successful entrepreneurs, the answer was clear: video, video, video. In this blog post, we’ll explore five powerful reasons why video is the most cost-effective and efficient way to market your business, regardless of your starting point.

1. Video is the Next Best Thing to Being In-Person

The Power of Personal Connection

Video allows you to create a personal connection with your audience, much like a face-to-face interaction. Through video, viewers can see your facial expressions, body language, and hear your voice, which helps convey authenticity and build trust. This level of engagement is difficult to achieve through text or static images alone.

Example: Consider a welcome video on your website. By introducing yourself and your business through a video, you can immediately make a more personal and memorable impression on visitors.

Enhancing Engagement

The dynamic nature of video keeps viewers engaged longer than other forms of content. People are more likely to watch a video than read a long article or look at static images. This higher engagement rate often translates into better conversion rates.

Example: Product demonstration videos can effectively showcase the features and benefits of your product, providing a more comprehensive understanding than written descriptions alone.


2. YouTube: The Second Largest Search Engine – Increase Sales

Massive Audience Reach

With 1.9 billion people logging into YouTube every month, the platform offers an enormous audience for your content. Many users prefer watching videos over traditional television, making YouTube an ideal place to reach potential customers.

Example: By creating informative and entertaining YouTube videos related to your industry, you can attract a large audience and drive traffic to your website or product pages.

Leveraging YouTube’s Search Engine

YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google. Optimizing your videos with relevant keywords can help your content rank higher in search results, increasing visibility and attracting more viewers.

Example: A fitness coach could create workout videos optimized with keywords like “beginner workouts,” “home exercises,” and “weight loss tips” to attract viewers searching for these topics.


3. The Dominance of Video Content to Increase Sales

The Rise of Video Consumption

It’s projected that by 2022, 83% of all internet content will be video. This trend underscores the growing preference for video content among consumers. People spend more time watching videos than consuming any other type of content, and this trend is only expected to continue.

Example: Brands that adapt to this trend by prioritizing video content in their marketing strategies are likely to see higher engagement and better results.

Staying Ahead of the Curve

By investing in video content now, you position your business ahead of competitors who may be slower to adopt this powerful medium. Embracing video content early can help you build a loyal audience and establish your brand as a leader in your industry.

Example: A tech company could create a series of educational videos about emerging technologies, positioning itself as a thought leader and go-to resource in the industry.


4. Cost-Effective Advertising with Video

Lower Cost Per View

Video ads, particularly on platforms like Facebook, are often more cost-effective than image ads. Video ads typically have a lower cost per view, meaning you can reach more people for less money.

Example: Running video ads on Facebook can sometimes result in views costing as little as half a cent. This affordability makes video ads an attractive option for businesses of all sizes.

Higher Engagement Rates

Video ads tend to generate higher engagement rates compared to image ads. Viewers are more likely to watch, comment, like, and share video content, which can amplify your reach and impact.

Example: A beauty brand might use video ads to demonstrate makeup tutorials, which are more engaging and shareable than static images of products.


5. Versatility and Repurposing of Video Content

Multiple Uses for One Video

One of the biggest advantages of video content is its versatility. A single video can be repurposed in numerous ways, maximizing its value and reach. Transcriptions can be turned into blog posts, ebooks, or PDFs, and audio can be used for podcasts.

Example: A marketing agency could record a webinar and then repurpose the content into various formats, including blog posts, infographics, and podcast episodes, to reach different audience segments.

Reaching Diverse Audiences – Increase Sales

Different people prefer consuming content in different ways. By repurposing your video content, you can cater to various preferences and increase the likelihood of reaching a broader audience.

Example: Offering a video, an audio version, and a written summary of the same content ensures that visual learners, auditory learners, and readers can all engage with your material.


Practical Tips for Creating Effective Video Content

Plan Your Content

Before hitting the record button, plan your video content carefully. Outline the key points you want to cover and create a script if necessary. This preparation helps ensure your video is focused and informative.

Example: If you’re creating a tutorial video, list out the steps clearly and rehearse them to ensure a smooth delivery.

Keep It Short and Sweet

Attention spans are short, so aim to keep your videos concise and to the point. Deliver your message within the first few seconds to capture attention and avoid lengthy introductions.

Example: A product demo video should quickly highlight the main features and benefits, ideally keeping the total length under two minutes.

Optimize for SEO

To increase the visibility of your videos, optimize them for search engines. Use relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags. Additionally, provide a transcript to improve accessibility and SEO.

Example: An online retailer could use keywords like “best summer dresses 2023” in the title and description of a fashion haul video to attract search traffic.

Use High-Quality Visuals and Audio

Invest in good quality equipment to ensure your videos look and sound professional. Poor video or audio quality can detract from your message and reduce viewer engagement.

Example: Use a high-resolution camera and a good microphone to record your videos. Ensure proper lighting and a clean background to enhance visual appeal.

Engage with Your Audience

Encourage viewers to engage with your content by asking questions, prompting comments, and inviting them to share your videos. Responding to comments can also help build a community around your brand.

Example: At the end of a video, ask viewers to leave their thoughts in the comments and subscribe for more content. Reply to comments to foster interaction and show that you value their feedback.


Embracing the Power of Video for Increase Sales

Video content is a powerful tool for increasing sales and building a strong online presence. By leveraging video’s ability to create personal connections, reach massive audiences on platforms like YouTube, capitalize on the growing dominance of video content, benefit from cost-effective advertising, and repurpose content across multiple formats, you can maximize your marketing efforts and drive significant growth for your business.

If you’re ready to harness the power of video for your business, start by planning your content, keeping it concise, optimizing for SEO, ensuring high-quality production, and engaging with your audience. By incorporating these strategies, you’ll be well on your way to increasing sales and achieving your business goals.

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Jody Jelas

Jody Jelas, the CEO of Phunnel Builders, has been in the online strategy industry for 25+ years, helping clients make millions online. She’s a best-selling author of LadyBalls and has travelled the world speaking on stage about business strategy and creative marketing ideas online. She has built a team of funnel experts who understand high-converting strategies and are waiting to take your funnel project and fast-track it to success.
jody jelas

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