Different Learning Modalities

JODY JELAS | July 4, 2022
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People have diverse learning preferences, and when you’re trying to convert prospects into clients through funnels, it’s crucial to cater to these varied preferences. The key to achieving high conversion rates lies in offering content in multiple modalities. In this blog post, we’ll explore the different learning modalities, how to leverage them in your funnels, and why it matters for optimizing your conversion rates.

Understanding Different Learning Modalities

Learning modalities refer to the preferred ways individuals consume and process information. The main modalities include:

  1. Visual: Learning through seeing (e.g., videos, infographics, written content).
  2. Auditory: Learning through hearing (e.g., podcasts, audio recordings).
  3. Kinesthetic: Learning through doing and touching (e.g., interactive content, hands-on activities).

By incorporating these modalities into your funnels, you can cater to a broader audience and increase the chances of conversion.


1. Visual Learning: The Power of Video and Written Content

The Role of Video

Video content is highly engaging because it allows viewers to connect with the speaker through visual cues, body language, and vocal tone. Videos can create a sense of personal interaction, making the content more relatable and memorable for the audience.

Example: When offering a webinar, include a video component where you present the key points. This not only helps convey your message more effectively but also builds a connection with your audience. Ensure your videos are well-produced and include captions for accessibility.

The Importance of Written Content

Written content, such as PDF downloads, is essential for those who prefer to read and take notes. PDFs allow users to consume information at their own pace, highlight important sections, and refer back to the material when needed.

Example: Alongside your webinar video, provide a downloadable PDF summary of the key points covered. This caters to those who like to review and annotate content, enhancing their learning experience.


2. Auditory Learning: Leveraging Audio Content

Audio content, such as podcasts and audio recordings, is perfect for individuals who prefer to learn by listening. This modality is especially useful for people who have busy schedules and prefer to consume content on the go, such as during commutes or workouts.

Example: Offer an audio version of your webinar or video content. This allows users to listen to your message while multitasking, making it more convenient for them to engage with your content.


3. Kinesthetic Learning: Interactive and Hands-On Activities

While kinesthetic learning is less commonly used in digital funnels, incorporating interactive elements can still appeal to this audience. Interactive quizzes, downloadable worksheets, and action steps can help kinesthetic learners engage more deeply with the material.

Example: Include interactive elements such as quizzes or worksheets that participants can fill out as they watch your video or listen to your audio content. This encourages active participation and reinforces learning.

Implementing Multiple Modalities in Your Funnel – Different Learning Modalities

To maximize conversions, it’s important to offer content in all three modalities. Here’s how to implement multiple modalities in your funnel:

Step 1: Create a Core Piece of Content

Start with a core piece of content, such as a webinar or a video presentation. This will be the foundation of your funnel and can be repurposed into other modalities.

Example: Record a 60-minute webinar on a relevant topic that addresses a key pain point for your audience.

Step 2: Repurpose the Content

Convert your core piece of content into different formats to cater to various learning preferences.

  • Video: Use the recorded webinar as the video component of your funnel.
  • Audio: Extract the audio from the webinar and offer it as a podcast or audio download.
  • PDF: Create a detailed PDF summary or eBook based on the webinar content, highlighting key points and action steps.

Step 3: Offer All Modalities to Your Audience

When promoting your funnel, provide options for your audience to choose their preferred format.

Example: After opting into your funnel, allow users to select whether they want to watch the video, listen to the audio, or download the PDF. This ensures they can engage with the content in the way that suits them best.

Case Study: Multi-Modal Funnel Success -Different Learning Modalities

Let’s look at a real-world example of how using multiple modalities can enhance funnel performance.

Scenario: A digital marketing coach offered a free webinar on social media strategies. Despite a high opt-in rate, the conversion rate was lower than expected.

Strategy Implemented:

  1. Video: The webinar was recorded and offered as a replay for those who missed the live session.
  2. Audio: An audio version of the webinar was made available for download, catering to those who preferred to listen.
  3. PDF: A comprehensive PDF guide summarizing the webinar content was created, allowing participants to review and take notes.

Results: By offering content in multiple modalities, the coach saw a 30% increase in conversion rates. Participants appreciated the flexibility to choose their preferred format, leading to higher engagement and ultimately more sales.


The Science Behind Multi-Modal Learning

Research shows that engaging multiple senses can enhance learning and retention. When people can see, hear, and interact with information, they are more likely to remember it and take action.

Example: A study by Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience suggests that people generally remember:

  • 10% of what they read
  • 20% of what they hear
  • 30% of what they see
  • 50% of what they see and hear
  • 70% of what they say and write
  • 90% of what they do

By offering content in multiple formats, you increase the likelihood that your audience will engage with and retain the information, leading to higher conversions.


Overcoming Challenges in Multi-Modal Funnels

Challenge 1: Content Creation

Creating content in multiple formats can be time-consuming. However, the effort is worthwhile for the increased engagement and conversions.

Solution: Start with a single piece of content and repurpose it. Use tools like transcription services to convert video or audio into text. Many video editing tools also allow you to extract audio easily.

Challenge 2: Tracking Engagement

It can be challenging to track which modality is most effective for your audience.

Solution: Use analytics tools to monitor engagement across different formats. Track metrics such as video views, audio downloads, and PDF opens to determine which modality is most popular.

Challenge 3: Consistency Across Different Learning Modalities

Maintaining consistency across different formats is essential to ensure a cohesive message.

Solution: Develop a content plan that outlines the key points and structure for each modality. This ensures that all versions of the content align with your overall message and branding.


Conclusion: The Power of Multi-Modal Funnels

Offering content in multiple modalities is a powerful strategy for maximizing engagement and conversions in your funnels. By catering to different learning preferences, you can create a more inclusive and effective funnel that meets the needs of your diverse audience.

Remember to start with a core piece of content and repurpose it into video, audio, and written formats. Provide options for your audience to choose their preferred modality, and use analytics to track engagement and optimize your approach.

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Jody Jelas

Jody Jelas, the CEO of Phunnel Builders, has been in the online strategy industry for 25+ years, helping clients make millions online. She’s a best-selling author of LadyBalls and has travelled the world speaking on stage about business strategy and creative marketing ideas online. She has built a team of funnel experts who understand high-converting strategies and are waiting to take your funnel project and fast-track it to success.
jody jelas

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