Discover Your Online Program Delivery Jam

JODY JELAS | June 3, 2020
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Online program delivery is an art that requires both strategy and passion. To ensure your success, it’s crucial to find a delivery method that aligns with your strengths and keeps you in a state of flow. Jody Jelas shares five effective ways to deliver your online program, helping you choose the one that sparks your interest and feels right for you. When you deliver content in a way that resonates with you, your energy and enthusiasm will naturally engage your audience, making your program magnetic.

Understanding the Importance of Flow on Your Online Program Delivery Jam

Before diving into the different delivery methods, let’s explore the concept of flow. When you’re in flow, you’re fully immersed in an activity, enjoying the process and performing at your best. Delivering your program in a way that keeps you in flow is essential because it allows you to convey your message with confidence and authenticity. Conversely, if you force yourself into a delivery method you dislike, it will be evident to your audience, and your program’s effectiveness will suffer.

Five Ways to Deliver Your Online Program

1. Video
A. Face-to-Camera

One of the most popular methods of delivering an online program is through video. Face-to-camera videos allow you to connect with your audience personally. This method works well if you’re comfortable in front of the camera and enjoy direct interaction.

Example: Many successful online courses use face-to-camera videos to create a sense of intimacy and trust with the audience. By looking directly into the camera, you can make your viewers feel like you’re speaking to them personally.

B. Screen Recording with Slides

If you prefer a more structured approach, consider using screen recordings with slides. This method allows you to present your content visually while narrating your slides. It’s an excellent option if you prefer to prepare your material in advance and focus on delivering well-organized information.

Example: Educational programs often use screen recordings with slides to explain complex concepts clearly and concisely. You can add your face in the corner of the screen for a more personal touch or keep the focus solely on the slides.

2. Live Webinars
Live webinars are an interactive way to deliver your program in real time. They allow you to engage with your audience, answer questions, and provide immediate feedback. This method is ideal if you enjoy live interaction and are confident in your ability to present and manage a live session.

Example: Many entrepreneurs use live webinars to launch their programs, offering valuable content upfront and converting attendees into paying customers through live engagement.

3. Audio Programs
Audio programs are perfect for those who prefer speaking over being on camera. They are also convenient for participants who can listen while multitasking, such as driving or exercising. This method works well if you have strong verbal communication skills and can keep your audience engaged through your voice alone.

Example: Podcasts and audio courses are gaining popularity because of their flexibility. You can create a series of audio lessons that participants can listen to at their convenience, making learning more accessible.

4. Written Content
Written content is a powerful way to deliver detailed and comprehensive information. If you excel at writing and prefer crafting your message through text, consider creating written guides, eBooks, or articles as part of your program.

Example: Online courses often include written materials as supplementary resources. These can be detailed guides, step-by-step instructions, or downloadable PDFs that participants can refer to at any time.

5. Blended Approach
A blended approach combines multiple delivery methods to cater to different learning styles and preferences. This method allows you to leverage the strengths of each format and provide a richer learning experience.

Example: A comprehensive online program might include video lessons, live Q&A sessions, audio recordings, and written resources. This variety ensures that participants stay engaged and can choose the format that works best for them.

Choosing the Right Online Program Delivery Method for You

To determine the best delivery method for your online program delivery, consider the following questions:

What Are Your Strengths?
Identify the skills and talents you naturally excel at. Do you have a knack for speaking, writing, or creating visual content?

What Do You Enjoy?
Think about the activities you enjoy doing. Are you energized by live interaction, or do you prefer the solitude of writing?

What Does Your Audience Prefer?
Consider the preferences and needs of your target audience. How do they best absorb information and stay engaged?

What Resources Do You Have?
Assess the resources available to you, such as equipment, software, and support. Ensure you have what you need to deliver your program effectively.

Delivering with Confidence and Flow

Choosing the right delivery method for your online program is crucial for its success. By aligning your online program delivery method with your strengths and preferences, you’ll stay in flow and deliver content that resonates with your audience. Whether you choose video, live webinars, audio programs, written content, or a blended approach, your enthusiasm and confidence will shine through, making your program engaging and impactful.

Remember, the key to a successful online program is not just the content but also how you deliver it. Embrace the method that feels right for you, and watch as your energy and passion create a magnetic learning experience for your audience. With the right approach, you can deliver an online program that leaves a lasting impression and helps your participants achieve their goals.

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Jody Jelas

Jody Jelas, the CEO of Phunnel Builders, has been in the online strategy industry for 25+ years, helping clients make millions online. She’s a best-selling author of LadyBalls and has travelled the world speaking on stage about business strategy and creative marketing ideas online. She has built a team of funnel experts who understand high-converting strategies and are waiting to take your funnel project and fast-track it to success.
jody jelas

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