Launch Your Offer Using the Program Pentagon

JODY JELAS | May 30, 2020
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Launching an online program pentagon can be a transformative experience for both the creator and the participants. However, to ensure success, it’s crucial to consider several key aspects of the process. Jody Jelas introduces the Program Pentagon, a framework that outlines the five essential areas to focus on when launching your next online program. By addressing these areas, you can help your audience achieve the best results while also benefiting financially. Let’s dive into the Program Pentagon and explore how you can apply it to your next online program launch.

1. [Program Pentagon] Delivery: How Will You Deliver Your Program?

The first area to consider is delivery. How you deliver your program can significantly impact its success and your enjoyment in creating it. There are two main aspects to think about:

A. Your Preferred Delivery Method Consider what delivery method keeps you in your flow. If you dislike sitting in front of a computer creating slides, you might prefer live videos or webinars. Choose a delivery method that aligns with your skills and preferences.
Example: If you thrive on interaction, live Zoom sessions where you can engage with participants in real-time might be the best option. On the other hand, if you excel at creating detailed, polished content, pre-recorded video modules could be more suitable.

B. Audience Engagement Your delivery method should also enhance the learning experience for your audience. Think about how they best absorb information and stay engaged.
Example: For a course on graphic design, a combination of live workshops and pre-recorded tutorials might be effective. Live sessions can address questions and provide real-time feedback, while pre-recorded content allows for in-depth, self-paced learning.

2. [Program Pentagon] Content: What Will You Teach?

The second area to focus on is the content of your program. High-quality, valuable content is the cornerstone of a successful online program. Here’s how to ensure your content hits the mark:

A. Relevance and Value Your content should address the specific needs and challenges of your target audience. Conduct research to understand their pain points and tailor your content to provide solutions.
Example: If your target audience consists of small business owners struggling with digital marketing, your content should cover topics like SEO, social media strategies, and email marketing.

B. Structure and Organization Organize your content in a logical, easy-to-follow structure. Break it down into modules or lessons that build upon each other, ensuring a smooth learning progression.
Example: A fitness program might start with foundational topics like nutrition and basic exercises before progressing to advanced workout routines and meal planning strategies.

3.[Program Pentagon] Interaction: How Will You Engage with Your Participants?

Interaction is a crucial component of any online program. It helps build a sense of community and keeps participants motivated. Here are some ways to foster interaction:

A. Live Sessions and Q&A Incorporate live sessions where participants can ask questions and receive immediate feedback. This interaction helps clarify doubts and reinforces learning.
Example: Weekly Q&A sessions or live office hours can provide participants with direct access to you, enhancing their learning experience and keeping them engaged.

B. Community Building Create a community space, such as a private Facebook group or a forum, where participants can connect, share experiences, and support each other.
Example: A cooking program could benefit from a community where participants share recipes, cooking tips, and photos of their culinary creations.

4. Support: How Will You Support Your Participants?

Providing adequate support is essential for ensuring your participants’ success. Here’s how to offer effective support:

A. Accessible Resources Provide resources like FAQs, guides, and additional reading materials that participants can access whenever they need help.
Example: An online coding bootcamp might include a comprehensive library of coding resources, troubleshooting guides, and links to further reading.

B. Personalized Support Offer personalized support through one-on-one coaching or mentorship. This can make a significant difference in helping participants overcome specific challenges.
Example: For a language learning program, offering one-on-one speaking practice sessions can greatly enhance the participant’s learning experience.


5. Feedback: How Will You Gather and Implement Feedback?

Gathering feedback is essential for continuous improvement. Here’s how to effectively collect and utilize feedback:

A. Regular Surveys and Check-Ins Conduct regular surveys and check-ins to gather feedback from participants about what’s working well and what could be improved.
Example: After each module, ask participants to complete a short survey about the content, delivery, and overall experience.

B. Implementing Feedback Act on the feedback you receive to improve your program. This shows participants that you value their input and are committed to their success.
Example: If multiple participants mention that a particular lesson is too fast-paced, consider slowing down the content or providing additional resources to help them catch up.

The Power of the Program Pentagon

By focusing on these five key areas—Delivery, Content, Interaction, Support, and Feedback—you can create a robust and effective online program that meets the needs of your audience and sets you up for success. The Program Pentagon framework helps ensure that all aspects of your program are well thought out and executed, leading to better results for your participants and a more rewarding experience for you.

Launching an online program can be a daunting task, but with the right approach and attention to these critical areas, you can create a program that not only stands out in the market but also makes a meaningful impact on the lives of your participants. Embrace the Program Pentagon, and get ready to launch a successful online program that delivers real value and drives lasting results.

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Jody Jelas

Jody Jelas, the CEO of Phunnel Builders, has been in the online strategy industry for 25+ years, helping clients make millions online. She’s a best-selling author of LadyBalls and has travelled the world speaking on stage about business strategy and creative marketing ideas online. She has built a team of funnel experts who understand high-converting strategies and are waiting to take your funnel project and fast-track it to success.
jody jelas

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