8 Reasons Kartra is Best

JODY JELAS | March 28, 2024
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Why Kartra is Best and the Ultimate All-in-One Marketing Solution

In the dynamic world of online marketing, staying ahead of the competition requires the right tools and strategies. With over 20 years of experience in the field, Jody Jelas has navigated through various platforms, each with its strengths and limitations. In this post, we’ll explore Jody’s journey from using Infusionsoft and Clickfunnels to discovering the comprehensive capabilities of Kartra, an all-in-one marketing platform that’s transforming the way businesses operate.

The Journey to Kartra

Experience with Infusionsoft and Clickfunnels

Jody Jelas began her marketing journey with Infusionsoft, a robust platform she utilized for six years. Despite its extensive features, Jody found that Infusionsoft didn’t meet all her needs. The complexity and limitations led her to explore other options, eventually transitioning to Clickfunnels. For five years, Clickfunnels served as a valuable tool in her arsenal, but the search for a more integrated solution continued.

Infusionsoft was known for its powerful automation capabilities, but it often required extensive training to use effectively. Many users found the learning curve steep and the interface less intuitive. Additionally, integrating Infusionsoft with other tools sometimes led to compatibility issues, adding to the frustration.

Clickfunnels, on the other hand, made funnel building more accessible. It allowed users to create sales funnels without needing to code, which was a significant advantage. However, Clickfunnels primarily focused on funnel creation and lacked the comprehensive suite of tools Jody needed for her expanding business.

Discovering Kartra: The All-in-One Solution

Why Kartra?

The constant need to juggle multiple tools for different aspects of marketing was a challenge. Jody wanted a solution that could streamline her processes and enhance efficiency. Enter Kartra, an all-in-one system that consolidates various marketing functions into a single platform.

Kartra stands out because it addresses the common pain points marketers face: the need for multiple subscriptions, the complexity of integrating different tools, and the inefficiencies that arise from switching between platforms. By providing a comprehensive suite of tools in one place, Kartra simplifies the entire marketing process.

Key Features of Kartra

Funnel Pages: Kartra simplifies the creation and management of sales funnels. Whether you’re launching a new product or nurturing leads, Kartra’s intuitive interface allows for seamless funnel building. You can choose from a variety of templates, customize them to fit your brand, and quickly deploy them without any technical expertise.

Metrics and Analytics: Understanding the performance of your marketing campaigns is crucial. Kartra provides detailed metrics and analytics, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your strategies. You can track everything from email open rates to conversion rates, giving you a comprehensive view of your marketing efforts.

Calendar Booking System: For businesses that rely on high-ticket consultations, Kartra’s calendar booking system is a game-changer. It integrates scheduling into your marketing funnels, ensuring a smooth process for both you and your clients. Prospective clients can book appointments directly through your funnel, reducing friction and increasing conversions.

Live Chat and Ticketing System: Customer support and engagement are vital for any business. Kartra’s live chat and ticketing system facilitate real-time communication with potential buyers and help resolve issues promptly. This feature enhances the customer experience, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

Tagging System: Effective organization and targeting of contacts are essential for personalized marketing. Kartra’s tagging system allows you to categorize and segment your audience, ensuring that your messages reach the right people. This level of customization increases the relevance of your communications, improving engagement and conversions.

Membership Sites: Kartra makes it easy to create and manage membership sites. You can offer exclusive content to members, manage subscriptions, and even drip-feed content over time. This feature is perfect for coaches, online educators, and anyone looking to build a community around their brand.

Email Marketing: With Kartra, you can design and automate email marketing campaigns effortlessly. The platform offers a drag-and-drop email builder, pre-designed templates, and advanced automation capabilities. You can create personalized email sequences that nurture leads and drive conversions.

Product and Shopping Cart: Selling products online is seamless with Kartra. You can set up product pages, manage inventory, and integrate with payment gateways. The shopping cart feature ensures a smooth checkout process, reducing cart abandonment and boosting sales.

The Benefits of Using Kartra

Streamlined Processes

One of the most significant advantages of Kartra is the reduction in the number of tools needed to manage your marketing efforts. By consolidating functions such as funnel building, analytics, scheduling, and customer support into one platform, Kartra eliminates the need for multiple subscriptions and the hassle of integrating disparate systems. This streamlining saves time and reduces costs, allowing you to focus more on strategy and execution.

Improved Efficiency

With everything you need in one place, Kartra enhances the efficiency of your marketing operations. The time saved from switching between tools can be redirected towards more strategic activities, such as crafting compelling content and engaging with your audience. This efficiency translates to faster execution and better results.

Better Integration and Coherence

Kartra ensures that all your marketing functions work together seamlessly. This coherence is particularly beneficial for executing complex strategies that involve multiple touchpoints. For example, you can easily track a customer’s journey from the initial contact through a live chat to scheduling a consultation and ultimately making a purchase. This holistic view enables you to optimize each stage of the funnel and improve overall performance.

User Testimonials and Case Studies

Success Stories with Kartra

Many businesses have experienced remarkable success with Kartra. Let’s take a look at a few examples:

John’s Digital Marketing Agency: John transitioned his agency from using multiple tools to Kartra. He found that the all-in-one platform significantly reduced his operational costs and improved client satisfaction. With Kartra, John was able to deliver better results for his clients, leading to increased referrals and business growth.

Emily’s Online Coaching Business: Emily, an online coach, struggled with managing her membership site, email marketing, and sales funnels. After switching to Kartra, she saw a dramatic improvement in her efficiency. The platform’s integration capabilities allowed her to automate many tasks, freeing up time to focus on coaching her clients. As a result, Emily’s revenue doubled within six months.

Mike’s E-commerce Store: Mike runs a successful e-commerce store and was looking for a way to enhance his customer experience. Kartra’s live chat and ticketing system provided the solution he needed. By offering real-time support, Mike was able to increase customer satisfaction and boost repeat purchases. Additionally, Kartra’s product and shopping cart features streamlined his sales process, resulting in higher conversion rates.

Comparisons with Other Platforms

Kartra vs. Clickfunnels

While Clickfunnels is a powerful tool for creating sales funnels, it lacks the comprehensive suite of features that Kartra offers. Clickfunnels focuses primarily on funnel building, which means you’ll still need other tools for email marketing, customer support, and membership sites. Kartra, on the other hand, provides an all-in-one solution that covers all these aspects and more.

Kartra vs. Infusionsoft

Infusionsoft is known for its automation capabilities, but its complexity can be a barrier for many users. Kartra offers similar automation features but with a more user-friendly interface. Additionally, Kartra’s all-in-one approach means you don’t have to integrate multiple tools, reducing the potential for technical issues and simplifying your workflow.


Jody’s transition to Kartra highlights the platform’s potential to revolutionize online marketing. As an all-in-one solution, Kartra offers a range of features designed to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and provide better integration across marketing functions. For marketers looking to simplify their operations and enhance their results, Kartra is undoubtedly a compelling choice.

If you’re ready to take your marketing to the next level, consider exploring Kartra. Its comprehensive capabilities could be the key to unlocking your business’s full potential.

In the ever-evolving landscape of online marketing, having the right tools can make all the difference. Kartra not only equips you with the necessary tools but also integrates them seamlessly to provide a cohesive and efficient marketing experience. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting, Kartra’s all-in-one platform is designed to help you succeed.

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Jody Jelas

Jody Jelas, the CEO of Phunnel Builders, has been in the online strategy industry for 25+ years, helping clients make millions online. She’s a best-selling author of LadyBalls and has travelled the world speaking on stage about business strategy and creative marketing ideas online. She has built a team of funnel experts who understand high-converting strategies and are waiting to take your funnel project and fast-track it to success.
jody jelas

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