3 Sided Webinar Funnel On Steroids

JODY JELAS | November 29, 2023
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Welcome to another episode of the Phunnel Podcast with Jody Jelas. Today, we’re diving into a particular kind of funnel that can transform your webinar strategy: the 3-Sided Webinar Funnel on Steroids. This approach enhances traditional webinars by engaging audiences in multiple ways, ensuring they stay tuned in, and ultimately driving higher conversion rates. If you’ve ever struggled with webinars, this guide is for you.

Why Traditional Webinars May Not Work

Let’s start with an honest admission: many people, including myself, often find webinars long and difficult to sit through, especially with a short attention span. Despite this, webinars remain a popular and effective tool for many. For those who excel in webinars, like my friend Victoria Gibson, it’s a powerful revenue generator. However, for those of us who prefer different methods, the challenge is finding a way to make webinars work better.

Introducing the 3-Sided Webinar Funnel

The 3-Sided Webinar Funnel, also known as the Webinar on Steroids, is a method designed to address the common pitfalls of traditional webinars. This approach involves creating a high-engagement, multi-faceted funnel that caters to different content consumption preferences. Let’s break down the ten steps to building this powerful funnel.

Understanding Your Traffic Source

The first step is to know where your traffic is coming from. Whether it’s Facebook ads, Google ads, TikTok ads, organic social media, or your email list, understanding your traffic sources helps tailor your funnel to your audience’s needs. If your traffic is coming from cold ads, you’ll need to build a funnel that caters to people who don’t yet know you.

Action Tip: Analyze your traffic sources and segment your audience based on their familiarity with your brand. Tailor your funnel to meet the needs of both cold and warm audiences.

Optimizing the Webinar Content

It’s essential to design your webinar to fit your audience’s preferences. While 60-90 minute webinars are common, shorter 30-minute webinars can be just as effective. The key is to deliver content in a way that feels authentic and engaging.

Example: One client with a $12,000 offer used live demonstrations instead of slides, mimicking an in-person event. This approach led to high conversions because it felt genuine and interactive.

Action Tip: Choose a presentation style that aligns with your brand and resonates with your audience. Use a mix of slides, videos, and live demonstrations to keep the content dynamic.

Legitimate Scarcity and Urgency

Creating genuine scarcity and urgency can drive conversions. Whether it’s a limited number of spots available or a strict deadline for sign-ups, make sure these elements are real and enforceable.

Example: For our Course Machine.IO, we have a limited number of done-for-you spots available each month due to team capacity. This legitimate scarcity encourages timely sign-ups.

Action Tip: Clearly communicate the limited availability of your offer. Use countdown timers and reminders to reinforce the urgency.

The 48-Hour Replay Strategy

Offering a 48-hour replay for your webinar can boost engagement and conversions. However, it’s crucial to stick to this timeframe. If you promise a 48-hour replay, make sure it’s only available for that period.

Action Tip: Set up automated systems that track when a user first visits the replay page and redirect them once the 48-hour period ends. This maintains the integrity of your scarcity tactic.

Instant Access to Purchases

Ensure that your audience receives immediate access to the product or service they purchase from your webinar. If there is a delay, provide them with pre-work or immediate value to maintain their excitement and momentum.

Action Tip: Create an onboarding process that gives new customers instant access to valuable content or a community area where they can start engaging right away.

Leveraging Chat Bots

Chat bots can mirror your email sequences and provide a seamless, interactive experience for your audience. This reduces the need for phone calls and allows for real-time engagement.

Action Tip: Set up chat bots to handle common inquiries and guide users through the buying process. Ensure that the bot conversations align with your email campaigns for a cohesive experience.

Creating a Highlight Reel

Not everyone has the time to watch a full webinar. Create a 10-minute highlight reel that captures the most compelling parts of your webinar. This can entice those who missed the live event to check out the replay or directly visit the offer page.

Action Tip: Distribute the highlight reel through emails, chat bots, and social media ads. Include a strong call-to-action at the end directing viewers to your offer.

Providing Audio Versions

For those always on the go, offering an audio version of your webinar can be a game-changer. This caters to busy professionals who prefer listening over watching.

Action Tip: Convert your webinar into a podcast-style audio file. Promote it via email and chat bots, and include it in your webinar follow-up sequence.

Printable Guides

Surprisingly, printable guides are highly effective in driving conversions. They cater to individuals who prefer tangible materials that they can annotate and review at their own pace.

Action Tip: Create a comprehensive PDF guide summarizing your webinar content. Include it in your follow-up emails and make it easy to download from your website.

Multi-Modal Content Delivery

Delivering content in multiple modalities ensures that you meet the diverse preferences of your audience. Combining video, audio, and print not only increases engagement but also boosts conversion rates.

Action Tip: Use video for visual learners, audio for those on the move, and printable guides for those who like detailed notes. This comprehensive approach ensures no segment of your audience is left out.

Implementing the 3-Sided Webinar Funnel

To illustrate how these steps can be applied, let’s consider a practical example. Suppose you are an expert in digital marketing and want to create a 3-Sided Webinar Funnel for your course on social media strategies for small businesses.

Traffic Sources

  • Use Facebook and Google ads to attract cold traffic.
    Leverage your email list for warm traffic.

Webinar Content

  • Create a 60-minute webinar with live demonstrations and engaging slides.

Scarcity and Urgency

  • Offer a limited number of spots for one-on-one coaching sessions.

48-Hour Replay

  • Set up an automated system to ensure the replay is only available for 48 hours.

Instant Access

  • Provide immediate access to a resource library upon purchase.

Chat Bots

  • Use chat bots to answer common questions and guide users through the buying process.

Highlight Reel

  • Create a 10-minute highlight reel of the most impactful moments from your webinar.

Audio Version

  • Offer an audio version of your webinar for users to listen to on the go.

Printable Guide

  • Develop a detailed PDF guide summarizing your webinar content.

Multi-Modal Delivery

  • Promote your content through various channels, ensuring wide reach and engagement.

Supercharging Your Webinar Funnel

The 3-Sided Webinar Funnel on Steroids is a powerful strategy that combines pre-webinar engagement, a compelling live webinar experience, and effective post-webinar follow-up to maximize conversions and revenue. By implementing these strategies and continuously optimizing your funnel, you can create a seamless and effective customer journey that drives results.

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Jody Jelas

Jody Jelas, the CEO of Phunnel Builders, has been in the online strategy industry for 25+ years, helping clients make millions online. She’s a best-selling author of LadyBalls and has travelled the world speaking on stage about business strategy and creative marketing ideas online. She has built a team of funnel experts who understand high-converting strategies and are waiting to take your funnel project and fast-track it to success.
jody jelas

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